24 Daiwa Certate Testfired

Once a year the Yokohama Tackle Show rolls around in late January and is eagerly anticipated by the diehard fishing enthusiast, as the show sets the tone for the major tackle releases for 2024. This year did not disappoint with Daiwa announcing an all new ‘24 Certate Reel’.
The existing Certate had become the go-to reel for a number of the country’s top lure anglers and had earned a solid reputation through providing power, reliability and an unmatched silky-smooth durable drag system. Certate has been regarded as the ultimate weapon in a reel designed for battling big fish on light line.
It’s fair to say, the 24 Certate had a bit of work to do to one-up its predecessor, but I was suitably impressed to find genuine improvements on the previous model. The new AIRDRIVE design concept originally released in the ‘22 Daiwa Exist provides a smoother rotation reducing angler fatigue through a refined rotor design. Next for me is the improved support system for the pinion gear allowing for enhanced power transfer from the handle to the main gear. The new ATD Type-L drag system lightens the drag’s start up inertia allowing for an extremely smooth transition between no drag and the drag coming on, meaning less chance of popping knots on lighter line weights. These are just a few of the new improvements that form a significant list of technical upgrades that I found made a difference out in the field.
Now to the part that really matters, fishing the reel. Out on the water I found the reel light in hand, the body was extremely rigid meaning under load the reel felt solid. The drag was a real game changer for me, ATD Type-L did exactly what the tech sheet said, when hooked up on a fish, the transition from no drag to line exiting the reel was exceptional. I also see a real benefit to the freshwater guys targeting canal trout on light line with this new system. It gives you a huge amount of confidence that when fighting fish you will stay connected and in control. The reduced start up inertia also meant that you could comfortably fish the reel all day with little fatigue, a must have for the dedicated lure angler.
In conclusion, the 24 Certate provides a meaningful upgrade from the 2019 Certate LT. If you are impressed with the current model, you’ll find a noticeable difference in the 24 Certate. Daiwa offer it in a size range from 2500, through 3000 to 4000 options. So, something for every angler targeting saltwater fish from shallow to medium depths, plus as mentioned, it would be the ultimate for trout or salmon.
Keep an eye out, by the time you’re reading this these should have just hit stores or be not be far away. The Daiwa 24 Certate is sure to uphold the reputation of one of NZ’s preferred premium spin reels and will be a stunning addition to your fishing arsenal.